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Customer e-Service  

We recommend the following browsers for the best user experience.
- Chrome/ Safari/ Microsoft Edge v79 or above
Please enter the following information:
Login ID :
Password :
Not yet registered? Click here to register
If you are sharing a computer with others, be sure to log out after using.
Customer Protection Tips
"Beware of scams! Do not provide bank, credit card, investment, insurance and MPF account or other key personal information via hyperlinks embedded in suspicious messages purported to be coming from our institution!"
CTF Life would like to remind our clients that we have not authorized anyone (including insurance intermediaries and CTF Life staff) to collect premiums on our behalf. No receipt for any premium is valid unless signed by our authorized cashier.
In order to safeguard your interests and facilitate intermediaries in providing proper services, please take note of the following:
You should:
  • Pay premiums via electronic payment, autopay, or crossed cheques payable to "Chow Tai Fook Life Insurance Company Limited" and write down your name and policy number clearly on the back of the cheque.
  • Call our Customer Service Hotline at 2866 8898 if policy anniversary statement or premium payment notice is not received when overdue for 2 weeks.
  • If verifying the identities of the message senders or authenticity of the messages is required, please contact our Customer Service Hotline 2866 8898.
You should not:
  • Do not pay cash to intermediaries or issue cheques with intermediaries as the payee or issue cash cheques to intermediaries.
  • Do not deposit or transfer money directly to intermediaries' bank accounts.
  • Do not disclose your Login ID and password to any third party (including insurance intermediaries and CTF Life staff) to protect your personal data privacy.
Chow Tai Fook Life Insurance Company Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) Disclaimer